Saturday, December 29, 2007

Che Bella Vista

Isn't this adorable? It was designed by Fiskars/Heidi Grace, and is a project from one of my Fiskars training classes in Texas. This is actually a canvas frame, covered with Heidi Grace flocked paper, then flipped over. What you are looking at is the backside of the frame. The picture, taken in Italy by my oldest, is inset to the frame.

On a funny side note, after selecting this photo for this project, I spent over 20 minutes going through the hundreds of pictures that my oldest son took while on his European trip. He went to several countries, and sorted his pictures into many folders. It took a while before I could determine that he took this in La Magdallena, Italy. After discovering the location, I flipped the picture over to apply adhesive, and written on the back I saw, "La Madgallena, Italy". Talk about a Du'h moment!!

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