Monday, February 16, 2009

My Little Shoebox

I am such a lucky girl! Yesterday I attended a crop at Picture Me Perfect in Fremont, CA. The crop was a fundraiser for the American Heart Association in memory of Marshall Tornay (some of you may know scrapbooker Michelle Tornay). We shared laughs, tears, stories. It was a wonderful day, full of support for Michelle. So far, $2,000 has been raised with this event.
I was one of the lucky ones who won a raffle prize. Check out this wonderful assortment of My Little Shoebox goodies:

I won one each of the new lines: Flawless, Who's There, Wonderful, My Neighborhood, Turtles and Trees, and Enjoy Life. I just love MLS. Next to Basic Grey and Cosmo Cricket, it's my favorite line. You can check them out at


melita said...

what a great idea Jennifer! cute LO!

melita said...

okay, that comment was suppose to be for your previous post! lol!

great haul of product Jen =)

Sonda T said...

oh all that MLS stuff is so scrumptious!! How have you been?